CaseComplete Activation Limit Exceeded

During activation, you may receive an message indicating that the number of activations for your serial number has been exceeded. This indicates that you are no longer in license compliance and should either deactivate CaseComplete on one or more of your organization's computers (via Tools / Deactivate) or contact Serlio Software sales to clear out the activation if you no longer have access to the computer. You can also purchase another license if you don't want to deactivate any of your activations.


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    Dwight Ford

    what if I can't access the current version because the machine it's on it's blown? I have the newest version installed on my new machine as a trial but that has expired so I would like to get rid of that and install the old version or whatever my serial number allows

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    Matt Terski

    Hi Dwight,
    If you can't access a machine to deactivate just contact us and we'll take care of it. If you need an installer for an older version, you can find them here:

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