If you use a UML design tool, such as Sparx Enterprise Architect, you can export your project to these tools using the XMI format. Select Connect / Export / UML. You'll be prompted to choose an export file and a number of export options. Select Export and you'll generate an xml file that can be imported by your design tool.
The export will include:
- Use cases, actors, packages and their descriptions.
- Associations between use cases and their primary and supporting actors.
- Include relationships between use cases when a use case references another in its flow of events.
- Requirements are exported as tagged values of the package that contains them. Requirements referenced from a use case are exported as tagged values of the use case.
- Classes for each definition. Fields for each definition are exported as attributes on the class. These classes can be used as a starting point for your domain analysis.
- Tagged values for use case properties, such as priority and status, which are not part of standard UML.
I may be missing something but is there (should there be, or will there be) an import from UML/XMI?
And/or is there a way to import a whole use case with steps and sub steps etc., rather than just the high level information demonstrated in the Excel import? Again I may be missing something.
What I am trying to do is string several use cases together to make one, so I thought I could put them all in one package in order, export them to something, excel?, do a few quick changes, and then import them as one use case. In this way I could create a whole test scenario of several use cases working together to export to QC. I know I can do a similar export to QC from a package and then change a few columns there but what I have in mind would be more convenient.
e.g. Logon (Success) + Homepage (Success) + Search for X (Success) + Edit X = 1 whole tets scenario.
Any ideas?
The UML/XMI export apparently only supports XMI 1.4, and I need XMI 2.1 to import into Visual Studio 2010.
A full export of the whole project including interdependencies, diagrams, use cases etc. would be extremely useful to transfer the CaseComplete project to VS2010.
EA 12 and CC2015 should be XMI compatible - I work with both tools, EA is not a great BA tool though I have tried to use it this way, CC is better for direct stakeholder dialogs.