
CaseComplete provides traceability between most items created in your project. For example:

  • Actors that are designated as primary or supporting actors in use cases, or are referenced by name by any other item.
  • Requirements that are referenced by use cases, definitions, and other requirements.
  • Definitions that are used by name by any item.
  • Any item that references any other item by its ID.

Many of the references are shown as hyperlinks and are automatically generated as you type. For example, when you type a definition or actor name, it will automatically show in a different color and you will be able to click on it to navigate to its details page. You can also add references in your text via the context menu by adding ID links. Learn more about requirement references.

All references are shown in the traceability tab in the details form for each item. The traceability tab shows both outgoing references (the items that are referenced by the current item), and incoming references (the items that have a reference to the current item).

In addition, all references can be reported in Word and Excel reports (see the Requirements Cross Reference report and the Definitions Cross Reference report for two examples). Reports are easily customizable if there isn't a report out of the box that suits your needs.

You can generate traceability matrixes in Excel format. There are 4 built-in reports which show different matrixes. For example, you can get a matrix showing use cases on one axis and the requirements that are referenced by those use cases on the other.

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    Razvan Radulian

    Haven't realized (until now), that the different formats (Word, Excel, HTML) meant ALSO different reports options.


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