If you have a report that you need to publish every day – or have a report that just takes a long time to crank through – you may find it useful to generate reports from a command line. This lets you set up an unattended scheduled job in the small hours of the night to produce those reports without any intervention. When you return to the office, freshly generated reports will be waiting for you.
When CaseComplete is running command line reports, it’s running in a “headless” mode – there’s no user interface, so the command line needs to include all of the information needed to run the report. The minimum information required is (1) what project to use, (2) what report template to use, and (3) where to save the generated report. Here’s the command line format:
casecomplete.exe /project {location of your project} /runreport {location of report template} /savereport {location for saving the generated report}
These values can appear in any order, but the flag (the keyword prefixed with a forward slash) must precede the full path and filename of the file it references, separated with a space. Here’s an example:
This kicks off CaseComplete in the background. It will generate the report and save it to the file I’ve specified. Note that I’ve enclosed each path and filename values in quotes – sometimes your paths may include a space, and keeping those in quotes helps prevent misinterpreting the information in the command line. It is good practice and will avoid problems that are tough to troubleshoot.
You can use this form of command line with the Windows task scheduler or a third party task scheduler. Learn more about command line reporting, including how to pass parameters, specify packages and other behavior in the Custom Reporting User's Guide.