Adding custom fields to a report

You can include custom fields in your report just as you do for the built-in properties.  For example, if you have a custom field named "My Status" for use cases, you can do the following:

$listUseCases $ID: $MyStatus

If your custom field name includes spaces as above, you must remove them in your Word report template. Additionally, custom field names that begin with numerals or contain certain punctuation characters are not supported in reports.

Alternatively, you can report all custom fields without knowing their names or how many there are beforehand.  This example shows how to list all custom fields for each use case:

Custom fields for Use Case $ID $Name:
    $listCustomFields $Name = $Value
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    Anne Ward

    Further to using custom fields in reports, is it also possible to use these fields in "where" clauses for the report?

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    Anne Ward

    Sorry - found my answer ... there was an error in the way I had stated the value for the field ...

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    Doug Earl

    Hi Anne, I'll reply anyway for the benefit of anyone else reading this.  The answer is yes.  Using the example above you could do something like this:

    $listUseCasesSortID where MyStatus = Open $ID $Name

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    Diaz, George F

    Howdy Doug-

    Will these changes apply to excel reports and Ms word reports???

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi George. Yes, custom fields can be used in both Word and Excel report templates.

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