Add a Related Document or Website

If you have external documentation, such as a Word or Excel document, you can add it to any CaseComplete item in its related documents section. To add a new related document, you can either:

  • Drag and drop the file from Windows Explorer into the related documents pane on the Supplemental tab of the item you'd like to add it to,
  • Or select Add related document… from the right mouse menu and browse to the document. You can also enter a URL in the same manner.

You will be prompted whether you want to copy the document to your project folder. If the file is on a shared drive that others on your team have access to, you'll likely want to reference it in its existing location instead of copy it to your working folder. However if you are working in a shared project, copying it to your local project folder will add it to the version control system and allow team members to check it in and out.

related files tab


related files tab


Note: If you add a standard image file, such as a .jpg, or a document that supports embedding, such as a Visio picture or PowerPoint slide, these pictures can automatically be displayed in generated Word reports. Control this behavior via the Options button found on the Generate Word Report screen or in the Report tab of the main screen.

Likewise, Word documents that are included as related documents can be inserted in their entirety in generated Word reports. This behavior is also controlled via the report Options button.

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