The CaseComplete List Views show your project information in a table format. You can customize the columns shown and the order they appear. Right-mouse click on the column heading and choose Select Columns…
Choose the columns you want displayed by selecting the column in the Available Fields listbox. Click -> to move them in the Displayed Fields list box. To remove a field, select it in the Displayed Fields listbox and click <-.
Hi Ron,
Why can this not seemingly be done with the Dictionary? I defined a custom field and cannot choose to view additional columns. I am stuck with Name , meaning and alias only
Hi Paul,
We haven't had time to implement the "Select Columns" the Dictionary tab yet. It's on our to-do list and we'll definitely consider it for a future release.
I'd also like to see the ability to customize any list with a right click, select columns. Especially things like Issues (on the Supplemental tab).