
Viewing Versions

Each time you upload your project from CaseComplete into, items that have changed since the previous upload will get a new entry in the history section shown in the item's sidebar. For example:

You can click on a date to view the the item as it was on that particular date.

Comparing Versions

You can also click on a check box to see the differences between the version you’re currently viewing and the version you select via the check box. You’ll see highlighted text denoting changes between the two versions. For example:



Here you can see that the name of the use case changed, some text was deleted, (red strikethrough text), and some text was added (green text). And because a new step 1 was inserted, the extension numbers changed. When items are part of a Review, reviewers can use this feature to focus on the changes since their last review.

Finding What Changed

At the top of the the Item List page for each project you'll see a Frequently Changed section which shows 5 items with the most updates. This lets you see the “hot spots” in your project, those requirements and use cases with the most churn. There is also a link to view all changes.


Navigating to the All Changes page shows the changes made to your project, organized by date. It shows how many items changed for each upload, and identifies which items were modified, added, and deleted compared with the previous the upload. For example:



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